Hi there!!
I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, truly I haven't!! Sorry for my little hiatus there. We have been busy the last month or so packing and moving! Oh what fun right?
Well, in this instance it pretty much was awesome no matter how much stuff I have and need to get rid of!! ( a lot if you are wondering...) :)
You see we have been fortunate and blessed to buy our dream home!! And I mean DREAM home people!! hahaha! The pugs have almost 5 whole acres to run and frolic about in!!! EEeeeeekkk!! I am still in a dazed shock over the whole thing. I have been wanting to do something like this for years, and it has actually happened, unbelievable.
So anyway, on to the news of Ginger Blossom Boutique. We are upgrading from the dining room table... yes, indeed it is going to be great! I now will be able to work out of a designated office room. I will show you pics once it is set up and pretty. :)
So we are back in it full speed ahead and getting down and serious my friends. To start off right in our new space I want to send you a coupon code just for signing up for our email list! I will give you $5 off your very first, or your next GBB order!! Yippee!!
All you have to do is visit the site at www.thegingerblossomboutique.com and scroll down to the bottom and sign up! Your email is always safe with me and will not be shared or sold for any reason.
So stop on by and sign up to join the latest and greatest Ginger Blossom Boutique has going on! By signing up you will be in the exclusive group to receive special coupons, discounts, goodies and news!!
Have a fantastic rest of your day and take a look at our pictures of the new place! What do you think shall it be named the "pug ranch?" "Pug acres farm?" LOL!!!